I've been watching a lot of Farmhouse on Boone content on Youtube. She, Lisa, has greatly inspired me to progress towards a more natural, non-toxic, lifestyle.
Boy! Is it overwhelming. There is a large amount of information available online, but figuring out where to start is tough. So here is my journey. ;)
As a nail technician my exposure to toxic chemicals is quite extreme. I know I will never be able to be completely toxin free, however I would like to reduce my exposure.
Taking baby steps...
1. Cleaning Products
Starting with a FREE bundle from Grove Collaborative. Get a FREE 5 piece Mrs. Meyer's set, FREE shipping & FREE 60 day VIP membership with a $20 purchase using this affiliate link, see the full disclosure below link:
(Full Disclosure:I will receive a $10 credit when you complete a purchase using my link. In return you will receive the Free 5 piece set, Free Shipping, & Free 60 day VIP membership. Once you join you will then have your very own link to do the same & share this great deal with your friends & family.)
I love their glass spray bottles & essential oil cleaning concentrates. I will now be using Castile Soap, Essential Oils, Vinegar, & Baking Soda as my cleaning agents. Check out Pinterest for mixture examples.
I purchased wool balls for my dryer to eliminate dryer sheets & fabric softener. I plan to make my own liquid laundry detergent once my Seventh Generation runs out. Still debating on the recipe to use.
I had a mild amount of essential oil knowledge. Signing up with DoTerra back in 2010, pyramid type sales aren't for me. In addition, interest in my area was very limited at that time & my use dwindled. Well, I'm diving back in.
(Currently addicted to DoTerra's Console for my anxiety.)
That being said Plant Therapy was actually founded in my hometown, & knowing relatives of the family that started that company I highly recommend their line. Extremely competitive pricing.
The best for cleaning would be Lemon, Lavender, Tea Tree (Melaleuca), & Germ Fighter (aka Thieves, On Guard)
2. Plastics
Bye Bye plastic Tupperware. I'm using glass pyrex storage containers. Reusable BPA free silicone straws, I'm not a fan of the added coldness of glass or metal straws. Getting rid of plastic serving tools & using wooden or metal. At least don't heat foods or beverages in plastic. & pursue BPA free options.
**Please Recycle**
3. Water purity
I purchased a shower filter today. My choice was the AquaBliss High Output, 12-Stage filter. If you'd like more information on what all it filters out.
I currently am just using a Brita pitcher filter but am saving for a Royal Berkey Water Filer. These come with fantastic reviews & even have Fluoride filters available.
4.Cosmetics & Hygiene
Now, I haven't made many changes just yet but these are in the works. It might seem counterintuitive but I'm not in a financial position to waste items. That being said, I will 100% be making changes at the time of my next purchases. Being a cosmetologist, I have purchased many trendy $50+ makeup pallets and can't stomach throwing that investment away.
I picked up some Cora organic tampons from Grove Co.
Next purchases: W3ll People cosmetics, Native deodorant.
Home made recipes in the works: Coconut Milk & Castile Shampoo. Apple Cider Vinegar Conditioning rinse. Honey & Castile body wash.
I made my own toothpaste last night. It is an adjustment, but I know it is for the best. I was using the DoTerra toothpaste but even that has Carrageenan in it & Glycerin as it's main ingredient. I didn't really follow a recipe but I used coconut oil, baking soda, On Guard oil, ground clove, ground turmeric, & Slim & Sassy oil...I wanted more of a mint flavor & it was the only thing on hand that was ok for ingesting.
5. Natural Foods
This is the hardest area for me. I love me some junk food. I've struggled with mental health most of my life & this has lead me to research the Gut- Brain Connection, & just how much digestion and diet is to blame for a giant portion of my issues. I dabbled with Veganism, however... still primarily junk food. (Oreos & Quorn Nuggets, anyone?)
I now have added fish & poultry back into my diet. I'm not a giant fan of cooking. Primarily because of dishes and the utter chaos I always seem to make of my kitchen.
Goals: Consume more veggies & whole foods. Make my own almond milk, fermented pickles, & a sour dough starter for pancakes. Increase my water intake. Eliminate GMOs... & I know this is just skimming the surface.
Stay tuned ;)