If you are even half as in love with your dogs as I am, you know just how scary it is to find out your dog is pregnant. This is my story about caring for my dogs and helping with the delivery of puppies.
Disclaimer: I have such a great love for my dogs but I wouldn't do it again if the opportunity presented itself. There are so many deserving dogs in shelters all over, whom desperately need homes. I wouldn't be irresponsible and bring new lives into this world. I was lucky to find amazing homes for the puppies I could not keep. I knew the families well and had references on file, backup re-homing plans, and adoption agreements. This may sound extreme but I was not about to allow these innocent creatures to end up somewhere I wasn't comfortable with.
As I mentioned in my last post, I found Hallie panting in her crate, I could tell by her body language she was beginning to labor. I used a thermometer to check her temperature, rectally. I carried her crate with her inside into the room where I had kept the pool.
She did not like it when Tucker came into the room to check on her, he legitimately was concerned and nervous. He cried the whole time he was in there and kept looking at me, like "make it better".
I allowed her to labor in her crate as long as possible. Luckily Hallie and I had bonded really well and she had zero issues with me being up close in the action. This may not be the case with all mommys so be cautious. Once I noticed the first puppy sack starting to show, I tried not to panic, her crate didn't have enough access to her to properly help deliver the dogs but she very well may not have needed my help so I didn't want to interfere if unnecessary. However, after 10+ minutes of the sack just sitting there I quickly pulled her bed out for better access. Even now as I write this I cringe, but I slightly rubbed her nips to help with contractions hoping she would push that pup all the way out.
Allowing Hallie to clean the puppy Puppy nursing for the first time
After a few more minutes I grabbed a rag and gently pulled on the sack as I continued to stimulate her nips. This helped greatly and based on how long he has been squished in the birth canal I pierced its sack and held it close to Hallie's face so she could lick and clean the puppy. After a bit the puppy still was not moving. I quickly tied off the umbilical cord and cut him loose. I started rubbing firmly to try and stimulate a cry, holding the head slightly lower to allow any fluid to run out. He still did not cry. At this point in time, I suctioned out some of the fluid in his nose and mouth. He still only made a gurgling noise. Thank goodness I did my research because I then went to the "drop method".
Drop Method:
Firmly hold puppy between both hands, make sure head and neck are well supported. In one quick motion flick puppy downward (HOLD TIGHT), This quick motion flings all fluid, trapped, outward. I then suctioned out his nose and mouth again and returned to rubbing the pup.
Finally I got a cry and perfect timing because I saw the next sac starting to appear. I put the puppy to feed and was ready for the next. I pulled her out of her bed, and made her finish laboring in just the pool.
Second Puppy First 2 Puppies nursing
5 healthy puppies were born on July 29th, 2013. Labor started 1:22 pm.
First puppy - Male: 4:00 pm
Second puppy- Male: 4:40 pm
Third puppy- Female: 5:15
Fourth puppy- Female: 5:47
and surprise
Fifth puppy- Female: 6:50
Things to know: Mommy will eat the afterbirth, this will give her runny, smelly, green poo.
Puppies need to go right to nursing, this also help stimulate contractions.
I recommend having newspaper under mommy, this makes for easy clean up. Including after delivery, this helps with surprise runny poo from Mom too.
If you have any questions or areas you'd like me to elaborate on, just comment below. This is my first time delivering puppies, I am no expert. I most likely will never do this again in my life, but all 5 puppies are now healthy 2 year olds. This is just my personal account and advice/notes on what I experienced.
You can see the bowl of ice cream in the picture below.
I had just laundered the duvet with an unscented, sensitive skin laundry soap, I didn't have the pool inside the duvet yet, but I was too worked up in the moment to take the time to properly prepare the area. I was home so everything worked out but this is my one face-palm moment. I assumed I had a few more days and Hallie liked rooting around and digging in the bedding so I had just left it inside the pool.
Atleast a week before your projected due date, have everything 100% ready. Have the whole pool lined with several layers of newspaper and the pool inside the duvet, or you can purchase a whelping box online. I also had a heating pad under the duvet on the very bottom of the pool (between pool & carpet), near but not directly under the pups. This kept the area near them warm, even when mommy went potty and got up to eat.