I admit to having an ongoing battle with mild depression. Nothing too bad, but perhaps I'll visit that subject in its own post down the line. I simply go through bouts of not wanting to do anything, let alone get out of bed. Once the initial excitement of our new home wore off, probably late May or early June... I started slacking on the least enjoyable chores. Dusting, mopping, and scrubbing the showers are my least favorite household tasks. Well today it hit me how absolutely disgusting our master shower was. With our hard Idaho water and about 4 months of zero elbow grease it was quite scary.
Today I decided to scrub the crud out of our shower, with my trusty old white vinegar and blue Dawn Dishsoap. I loaded up a spray bottle with about 2-3 tbs of Dawn and filled the rest of the bottle with white vinegar. I gave it a little shake and sprayed the entire shower down.
Though this is a non-toxic cleaning option, I still highly recommend opening all near by Windows and turning on some fans. After a few minutes I climbed into the shower because let's be honest in order to get a good clean, you gotta get dirty.
P&G - "NO ammonia or ammonia producing ingredients in Dawn Blue." Differences between Original Blue Dawn, Dawn Original Scent, & Dawn Ultra Original Scent. P&G representative said "Original Blue Dawn is referred to as Non Ultra (not concentrated) while Dawn Ultra (2X) Blue Original Scent is concentrated." So adjust the amount of soap you use based on this.
I sprayed and scrubbed the entire shower about 3 times with a standard dish sponge, extra grimey areas got a bit more attention, & rinsed the shower down between each time.
Here are some before and afters... Now I've warned you. It was really damn bad!
Upon finishing I couldn't help but notice my hands, feet, and knees felt extra soft. This made me curious to research a bit and see if this was just a "freak" coincidence or some sort of chemical reaction.
After a few google searches I found several posts about smooth heels and the use of Listerine, Dawn, and warm water. Apparently that combination REALLY softens the skin and removes all your dry, flakyness with just light scrubbing. I'm guessing my combo did something a bit similar, especially due to the fact I was covered in the stuff for 15-20 minutes.
The soft feet recipe I found:
- 1 cup Listerine (or any antiseptic mouthwash)
- 1 cup Vinegar (White or apple cider too)
- 2 cups warm water
Soak feet for 10-15 minutes then take a foot file or pumice stone to help slough off the softened dead skin.
In regards to why this works, I've yet to find a real scientific explanation but I'll update when I do.
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