Monday, October 5, 2015

Halloween 2015

Fall is by far my favorite time of year, if you aren't already aware from my other posts. 
Here is a peek at our front door, now that I've switched it up for Halloween. 

The black drape, & skeleton bones are borrowed from my grandmother who recently retired to her second home in Oregon. So, she won't be decorating for a while but I think she actually picked the, up at a Grocery Outlet! The crows on the corn stalks, spiders, and small skeleton on the door are from the Dollar Tree. Cauldron I picked up during the off season from the D.I., along with a bag of cob webs for $1.50! "Happy Halloween" sign is from Targets One Spot. The wreath I made using materials from Michael's. Spray painted the wreath flat black, added a bloody cheese-cloth, hot glued on some mini spiders & webs, and wooden letters from their clearance/dollar isle. 

I only have a few Halloween items inside the house. These I purchased from a fellow crafter, Annie,  in my area. She mades a lot of wooden crafts and her prices were amazing. She stopped making things to raise a family or I would share her contact info.  Below you can see the "Eek" blocks and Halloween countdown she made me, I have 2 glittery skulls I picked up from Dollar Tree sitting beside both.
Another find from Targets One Spot, Halloween Doggy Tees.

 The 2 closest to the camera are wearing shirts from Halloween 2014, the other 2 were picked up this year. I love that they are just slightly different! These are only $3 each. 

On the bar in my kitchen I have this cute DIY candy dish.
Used: 2- small terracotta plates -Michael's , candle stick base- Dollar Tree, wooden drawer knob- Michael's, clear glass bowl- Dollar Tree, ribbon/ raffia- Michael's, candy corn (or other candy/item)- Dollar Tree, E6000 glue-Michael's, and plastic spider-Dollar Tree.

I spray painted everything but the glass bowl flat black.
Used the E6000 & glued the knob on to the bottom of one of the plates and the candle stick to the bottom, center of the other. The clear glass bowl needs to fit nicely in between the terracotta plates.
Once this had a few days to dry, I tied the ribbons & raffia around the knob. Filled the bowl with candy corn and added one spider. 

This, roughly, cost around $7. I had the glue, spray paint, and some of the ribbon on hand. The spiders in addition the the items I just mentioned will last you many more projects.

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