Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Freebies: October 2015 Part 1

Freebies via Mail for the month of October, 2015

Even though I haven't been the best about signing up for freebies before October (it takes a month or 2 for samples to arrive) I still received a few goodies via mail. I apparently have 2 subscriptions to Shape Magazine, I'm also getting Wired, Rolling Stones, ESPN, & More. A free product coupon from Playtex, and $10 of a $10 purchase to Ulta.

Used the 2 coupons pictured above and got these 3 items for free.
The Playtex sports pack I picked up at Walmart, I chose the box with the most items. Reg. $5.97

 Ulta had a 2 for $10 deal going on, I was dressed for the gym with zero makeup on (in a makeup store). So I grabbed the first 2 things that looked semi interesting.
 Color Correcting Stick: Reg. -$12.50
Sculpting Palette: Reg.- $14.00
$26.50 +tax  Totally FREE

With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month: gave away a large quantity of BCA Pink Promo Bras, I was lucky enough to recieve one!

I recieved the Coobie Promo Bra within the same week I entered to win!! I also got a Town & Country magazine and some free samples from We are currrently in the market but even if you're not, a creative mind could probably find something crafty to do with the swatches ;)

My Mother gave me a lovely set of Pyrex dishes, she picked up one for herself too. It came with a $5 mail in rebate. Limit 1 per household, so she sent home the other rebate home with me. I'll return the money to her when it arrives but it only takes a few second to fill out and a few cents for a stamp. Money back in your pocket
These are my current sample packets, some I've had for a while but I just thought I would share all the awesome beauty samples you can get with just a few clicks.

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