Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Halloween Nails

As I sit here and enjoy an early morning Friday the 13th marathon, a cup of joe, and whats left of my weekend. I can't help but feel like revisiting my favorite Halloween nails from years past.

You can really see how my work has improved :)

Black, White, & Red
The other hand

Orange, Trick or Treat

Green Theme

Candy Corn w/spiders

In these I used real leaves

Ghouls and their mansion

Black Cat, Purple & Greens

Mr. & Mrs. Zombie, complete with a brain on the pinkie.


Excited for what 2015 will bring :) I absoluelty love how creative you can get with holidays. Themed nails have to be my favorite, there are no rules! You can use 40 colors in just one set of nails! Check out more of my work on my business Facebook Page:


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