Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Weight Watchers

I joined Weight Watchers on June 8th 2015, my first month went great but I quickly fell off course and I’ve had a tough time getting back on track. I lost 11.1 pounds in my first month. 2nd month I fluctuated a lot and only kept off an additional 1.4 pounds. 3rd month, I again fluctuated a lot a kept off another 1.4 for a total loss of 13.9. So far, I’m 2 weeks into my 4th month and I’m pretty sure I’ve gained, ALOT, back.
Gaining the weight: Ive been on antidepressants, and though that is no excuse, it did allow me to be easily complacent with all the weight I slowly packed on. I had a major lifestyle change. I went from moving all day at work and working out in the evening to a very sedentary lifestyle. I got a new desk job. My new job was a hard shift for me to get used to 4am to 1pm. By the time my husband was home from work I was too pooped to go to the gym. I went from that job to beauty school, slightly more active but devastating to my eating habits. Most recently I’ve been spending the majority of my time at a nail desk. The saying ” A body in motion, stays at motion. & a body at rest will remain at rest.” So accurate. I’ve found myself in this rut of consuming garbage foods and feeling like garbage in result, the kicker is because I’m eating terrible junk food I’m stuck fighting for the energy to build up the willpower to commit. Round and Round I went until my most recent “fat” pants became “too-tight” pants.
At one point I bought myself this polar watch in hopes that it would re-spark the determination I once had. 
Starting was easy enough, I had a friend in our social circle lose over 110lbs on Weight Watchers and I knew it was time. I also received a FitBit from my husband for the previous Christmas and decided to also commit to my step goal of 10,000 for each day (roughly 4.5 miles/day). Because I had hit the high side of the “overweight” range on the BMI scale. It was go time.
I was crushing it! I felt so great, my energy was up. I had momentum, I was getting compliments. & then, I got sick. Some nasty stomach virus tormented me for about a month. During that time, one thing lead to another and here I am. Back to my bad habits.
Now, I’ve been off the wagon longer than I was on it. I have not given up hope. I just need to find the willpower to make it through each day, soon enough the changes won’t be so difficult.
Come back soon for more posts about my weight loss journey, struggles and triumphs.

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