Tuesday, September 29, 2015

National Coffee Day: Pumpkin Spice Everything

In honor of  Nation Coffee Day, a post about the most popular coffee drink flavor of the season, Pumpkin Spice. As I enjoy E!'s Sex in the City marathon and drink my umpteenth cup of coffee lets explore a few fall themed products, shall we?

 The pumpkin spice craze is expanding its grasp each year. And I have fallen under its spell. Here's a look at my favorite autumn themed products, my least favorite, and the most "Are you serious right now" items.

Now as you might now, I'm attempting to change my eating habits with the help of Weight Watchers, when it comes to a treat I can actually enjoy... I reach for are 2PP, Fiber One 90 Calorie bar, the Pumpkin Bar ones aren't bad but the pumpkin flavor doesn't surface until your very last bite and leaves me feeling a bit jipped. Now the Cinnamon Coffee Cake bars, are very tasty. I absolutely love these, and luckily we can enjoy them all year round.

Unfortunatly for me Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice doesn't come in a sugar free version yet, so I only get to enjoy a nice PSL a few times a season, when I'm feeling extra splurgey.

These M&Ms Pumpkin Spice Latte are pretty good, but it wouldn't be the first thing I'd reach for. The flavor sneaks up on your and has a nice nutmeg/clove taste.

If calories are no problem then look no further because these are AMAZING! I ate all 4 and didn't even feel that guilty about it. Kimberley's Bakeshoppe Pumpkin Spice cupcakes can be found at Fred Meyers & probably other grocery stores. As if the amount of cream cheese frosting on top isn't enough, there's more in the middle. So tread lightly. Only consume if you have a major sweet tooth.

One more shameful treat. It's been since last year that I had these but I still remember them a year later so they must be great right!! The Pepperidge Farm Pumpkin Cheesecake Cookies are YUM, YUM, YUM. 

The main thing I purchased this year to celebrate fall: Candles. If you can't eat it, smell it!! I made a big Scentsy order and a few other candle purchases.
I picked up this Whiskey & Oak candle from Fred Meyer's something about it screamed, "Cozy den, fire burning, snuggly plaid throw blanket, and a good book." ;) My husband has actually claimed it and keeps it in his office, it burns very nicely and quickly fills the room with fragrance. Not to mention the container is absolutely adorable!!

The second candle is a Diamond Candle, each candle comes with a ring & you have a chance at a second ring worth $100 to $1000. They are quite fun, this one is Harvest Blend and I purchased it a few years ago and its just about on its last leg. This season will most likely be its last. I've purchased a few of these candles and only received $10 rings. I am also too impatient to let it burn down to the ring and end up digging it out.

I picked up 10 autumn themed or cinnamon based bars:
Autumn Sunrise, Autumn Sunset, Pumpkin Roll, Apple Smores, Cinnamon Vanilla, Sticky Cinnamon Bun, Honey Pear Cider, Cider Mill, Cedar Cider, and Welcome Home.

My only beef with melting bars, they don't last very long. Perhaps I just become used to the smell but they only smell up the house for a day or 2.

I also picked up a few of these Fresh Scent Sachets, I love these for sticking in the closet or car. They last a pretty long time too! They come in a 3 pack for $4.99 and you can pick them up at Michael's.

WTF Category:
Now maybe I am wrong because apparently tons of people like pumpkin spice yogurt, and this sounds like it would be similar if not slightly better. But as a person with a slight yogurt texture issue this sounds terrible. 

Again, I could be wrong. Many people love sweet potatoes and this is probably right up their alley. However I like my potato chips flavored after savory things like...oh I don't know, Cheese!!

Speaking of savory, when I think of sausage & fall... things like bacon wrapped smokies and crock pot cheesy sausage and potatoes. This is perhaps the grossest sounding thing I have heard!! Yes, you read that correctly. Pumpkin Spice Chicken Sausage.

I'm sure I'll find more and revisit this subject before the season ends. 

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